Expanding on natural emotions i took a few candid shots to capture peoples facial emotions without them noticing the camera. (See Book)
Here is an example of one candid shot i had taken. I like this image the most because you can see whats happening within the picture. There are 4 people within the image and they all seem to be friends, the two boys are smiling or laughing which shows they are happy within the group or conversation they are in. The girl on the left is also smiling which shows she also is part of the conversation with the two boys. This image shows a fun, happy suituation
(See flickr for other candid images)
i first started with grief which is and emotion you cannot control and people deal with greif in different ways. We usually associate greif with loosing people we love or a close one, it could also be saying goodbye to somebody. it is mainly extreme sadness which i have tried to emphasise in my images.I started the natural emotions with grief, when i came across a photographer called Maggie Steber who was a documentary photographer who has lived and worked all over the world. Early in her career she worked as a reporter and photographer for the Galveston Daily News and as a picture editor for the Associated Press in New York which reflects on her real-life images and capturing real emotions. Here on the right is an image called "A Mother's Funeral" 1987. I found this image was the most overwhelming photograph in my opinion because you are getting a real -life emotion of a man, in the middle, loosing his mother. The people holding the man up are may be restraining him as he is grieving so much. You can tell by the emotion on his face that he is crying hysterically which captures the real-life situation in this image.
The main place people accosiate with greif is a graveyard with tombestones and flowers.
I visited a graveyard and i noticed most of the graves had fresh flowers and it was all very peaceful which gave a different effect of emotions within the scenery.
Here is an image i took within the location. As you can see i highlighted the flowers at the front of the image but you can also capture all the gravestones and other flowers in the backround which shows how many people come to think about loved ones they have lost. This picture shows a sense of peace and rest within the location,it shows how people take time to make sure they visit the graves and make sure it looks nice.This image below is an image of me sitting in front of a grave. I tried to capture the emotion of people visiting people who have passed away. I didnt show my face within the picture as i wanted to capture a sense of mystery to the face that this person(me) is going to be upset when knealing down at this grave. The black and white colour contrast in my opinion gives a lonely empty effect to the picture, which may relfect how this person is feeling.
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